The Mayor’s Gala FAQ’s
What’s NEW this year!
Parking will be available across the street in the Public Parking Garage and a Shuttle Bus will be provided!
Smooth and easy check-in! When you arrive, please go to the reservation table at the top of the escalator and sign in to get your drink tickets and table number.
Other FAQ’s
Where: The Gala will take place at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort, 100 N. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach. We’ll be in the 2nd floor ballroom at the top of the escalator by the North entrance.
When: Saturday, Feb. 8th. Our cocktail reception starts at 6 pm. When you arrive, please go to the reservation table at the top of the escalator and sign in to get your drink tickets and table number.
Parking: This year there will be parking across the street in the Public Parking Garage and a Shuttle Bus will be available!
What Part 1: The cocktail reception goes from 6 pm to 7 pm, when dinner starts. It’s time to network, see friends, and watch some great entertainment! This year, our reception hour includes a human ice sculpture, an aerialist, and a pixel poi performance!
What Part 2: At 7 pm, we’ll enter the ballroom for dinner. During dinner we’ll listen to the wonderful music of Danny Fuqua, also known as “The Saxman.” Our program will get started around 7:45.
If you or anyone at your table prefers a vegetarian meal, we need to know two weeks in advance.
We look forward to seeing you there to Celebrate 5 years of transforming lives at First Step Shelter!